Are you looking for answers regarding how to make your small business more successful? Are you a webinar junkie – you know – constantly signing up for webinars that promise to tell you how to skyrocket or supercharge your business in 3 easy steps?

Well today I am blowing open the false promises and talking about the reality of running a small business. Because the reality is that it isn’t easy and there are no magic answers. If you are crazy enough (and I hope you are) to be running your own business then you will already know that there are no magic wands. Running a business – and particularly STARTING a business – is hard work.

Are there great days – yes of course. Are the days always great. Well – I think so because I am a realist and I would rather be doing what I do and when I want to do it, then any of the jobs I did before I started my first business in 2001. But is it easy? No. And anyone who tells you it is is either a liar, deranged, or hasn’t run their own small business before.

And what about all the stuff online and especially on social media – showing how some expert or other has gone from £3.50 to millions in turnover in the last 12 month? Well, call me cynical – but if that WAS the case – then why are they trying to get you to sign up to their latest free webinar which will then sell you their latest program?

I mean – I don’t actually need 20 minutes of looking at ‘their’ house (probably an AirBnB) or ‘their’ snazzy car (probably leased) – to convince me I should listen to them. It doesn’t. And if all their claims about their lifestyle is true then I still wouldn’t be going on about it – for a couple of reasons.

Firstly – it will put a lot of people off. If you are currently struggling to turn over enough to scape by with your bills on social media, then going from that to 20k or 50k or 100k a month will just seem unachievable. It is too far away from where you are now to be believable.

Secondly – I am not interested in what YOU have. I am interested in what you are DOING and what RESULTS you are getting and how I might be able to emulate them.

So – please don’t be disheartened by all the ‘success stories’. People are only going to show you the successful side of them on social media.


So – here is the truth. I started my business in 2001 with enough money in the bank to pay for myself for 2 months. It had to work quickly and it did. To a level. In my first month I bagged my first client paying few grand a month (I was lucky and focused on sales, sales, sales for the first 3 months of my business). After that things slowed down, because I realised I also needed to do fulfilment, and accounts, and marketing, and legal stuff and deal with suppliers, and hire and train staff, and set up partner relationships and …and…and.

What I didn’t need were all the useless webinars I was watching. What I did need was something I instinctively sought but didn’t know I needed. To find out what that was – watch my Facebook live here – which will also blow open the truth about the challenges of running a small business